After defeating Men in Maroon, Rohit Sharma-led Team India is all set to take on Sri Lanka in three-match T20I series, starting from February 24 at the Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee Stadium in Lucknow. While, due to Covid concerns, the 1st T20I will be played behind closed doors, the follow-up matches scheduled to play in Dharamsala on February 26 and 27 will have 50 per cent capacity (around 12,000 spectators per match).
While the Dharamshala stadium will host two international matches of a bilateral series on consecutive days, the tickets for the same have already been made available on Paytm Insider even before the 1st T20I in Lucknow. Ticket prices will range from Ticket prices will range from 750 Rs to 7,500 Rs as per the stand and location in the stadium. as per the stand and location in the stadium. Considering cricket fans will get to watch the match after a long time, here is a guide to book your valuable tickets for the same.
Procedure to buy tickets for 2nd and 3rd T20Is against Sri Lanka
Step 1: Visit either the website or app of Paytm Insider.
Step 2: Enter the location (in this case, it will be Dharamshala Stadium)
Step 3: Click on the icon showing Paytm Series 2nd / 3rd T20I
Step 4: Click on "Buy Now" (Icon is present towards the right of the computer screen)
Step 5: Select your preferred stands of the stadium (ex: North Pavilion /North 1/ West Stand 3 etc.)
Step 6: Select the number of tickets
Step 7: Choose the date and time when you want to pick your ticket. And to continue, click on "Checkout."
Step 8: Check your details and if it's right, click on "Continue."
Step 9: Fill in required details like phone number and email id
Step 10: Next page will ask you to fill in card details to make the payment. (payment can be made via Paytm/Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/EMI)
Step 11: Minutes after making the successful payment, check your email id to have access to your tickets.
Notably, there will be strict Covid protocols that need to be followed by spectators. COVID-19 guidelines for Dharamshala venue:
- Children above two years of age will require a physical ticket.
- Ticket holders above 18years of age will be required to show their fully vaccinated certificate to gain entry to the stadium.
- Please make sure you have your physical tickets at the match as, without the same, you will not be allowed entry.