Uttarakhand Police did not shy away from taking a dig at Indian captain Virat Kohli on Friday. The police department used the example of Virat's dismissal for a duck in the first T20I against England to raise awareness about road safety. Kohli got out in an attempt to play an aggressive stroke, trying to go over the infield, already beaten by the pace and bounce off the pitch previously. However, Virat couldn't get the perfect timing or the desired elevation on that shot as the 32-year-old became the victim off Adil Rashid, reducing the Men in Blue to 3/2.
Drive in full consciousness or get out for zero like Kohli
It was Virat Kohli's dismissal and the manner in which it came which prompted Uttarakhand police to create a witty message about safe driving practices. "A helmet is not enough! It is necessary to drive in full consciousness or else you can get out on zero just like Kohli," they captioned their social media post.
Notably, this isn't the first time an institution like the police have used an Indian cricket star's failure to drive an awareness campaign. Earlier, Rajasthan Police had trolled Jasprit Bumrah for bowling a no ball that cost India a crucial match.
Here is the post:
India 0-1 down in 5 match T20I series
The Men in Blue could not quite recover from the loss of early wickets and although Shreyas Iyer did score a fighting 48 ball 67, he didn't get enough support to take the hosts to a fighting total. India eventually managed 124/7 in their quota of 20 overs. In response, the English openers got off to a superb start adding 72 runs in less than 8 overs. Despite Yuzvendra Chahal and Washington Sundar getting rid of the openers, the Indian bowlers just didn't have enough runs to play with. With this performance England have taken a 1-0 lead in the 5-match T20I series. Both the teams will play the second match of the series at the Narendra Modi Stadium, Ahmedabad, on Sunday.