Former Indian cricketer Vinod Kambli, who has been in the news due to his poor health condition, reportedly didn’t have a sum of INR 15,000 to pay for his phone repair. Notably, Kambli made it to the headlines after one of his heartbreaking videos went viral on social media. The cricketer was seen in poor condition at the memorial event of his and Sachin Tendulkar’s childhood coach, Late Ramakant Achrekar. The video left fans and pundits emotional, and since then, several names came forward to help him.
Recently, he was admitted to the hospital in Thane, Mumbai, after his health condition deteriorated. The former cricketer was said to be in critical condition, and has developed clots in his brain. Doctors also revealed that Kambli might not be able to regain his full memory. However, videos emerged on social media where Kambli was seen dancing, leaving fans relieved. Ever since his hospitalisation, a political party and several big names came forward to help the cricketer financially.
Vinod Kambli didn’t have INR 15,000 to pay for phone repair: Reports
Kambli’s financial struggles haven’t been hidden from anyone. However, as per a recent report, the 52-year-old didn’t even have INR 15,000 to pay for phone repair. According to News18, the former cricketer was using an iPhone, but was unable to pay a sum of INR 15,000 as a repair fee. As a result, the shopkeeper snatched away his phone, and he has been without a phone for the past six months.
Notably, Kambli lacked the financial resources required for his health retreatment. However, it has been reported that Kambli, once possessing a net worth of INR 13 Crore, now has BCCI’s monthly pension as his only income source. The Indian cricketing governing body provides him with a monthly pension of INR 30,000. Not only this, but his wife, Andrea Hewitt, recently disclosed that their housing society is pursuing her to pay INR 18 lakh in unpaid maintenance fees. In good turn of events, Kambli was discharged from hospital on Wednesday, January 1, and he was spotted in India jersey.