Picture Credit: Twitter

Picture Credit: Twitter

Ravi Shastri is an interesting personality and there is no second opinion about that. After entertaining fans with his big sixes on the ground, Shastri remains the favorite commentator for many till today. Long past his playing days, Shastri is still the best entertainer one could ask for. His choice of words and the accent with which Ravi Shastri speaks, make people fall in love with the former India coach.

Now, the 59-year-old has produced another masterpiece to entertain his fans. Ravi Shastri has appeared in a Cred ad where he is seen in a new avatar. But the swag remains the same as it has been for years. The former India cricketer has been shown as a coach of a team who loves to party (not entirely different from how the 59-year-old lives his life).

Shastri enacts different dialogues with some brilliant timing and humor, leaving everyone baffled. In this one-minute-long video, the fans get to see a charged-up Ravi Shastri who owns every moment around him. While he has nailed the role given to him, the 59-year-old has urged his fans to not remember any of it. “Don’t remember any of this,” wrote Shastri while sharing the video on social media.

Mujhe kya mein toh chill hun!

Before dropping this masterpiece on Saturday, Ravi Shastri teased his fans with some one-liners on Friday. The former India cricketer dropped as many as five tweets with some witty lines which also left fans bothered about his account being hacked. “‘Good mornings’ are optional if you haven’t slept at all,” wrote Shastri in his first Tweet with a picture of him in the new avatar.

“My family lives in Mumbai and I live in the moment,” read the second tweet and “Mujhe kya mein toh chill hun ?,” read the fourth one. Shastri then also asked his fans to shoot questions at him as he was in a good mood. “I’m in a good mood today, ask me anything,” he wrote.