Picture Credit: Bungie

Picture Credit: Bungie

Down the road in the gaming circuit, the end of Destiny 2 Season 14 is fast approaching. This season is set to end with the story's epilogue. It is also being learned that Bungie will display the detailed roadmap for the future in a live stream on August 24. There are speculations that the upcoming unnamed season will be launched in the same day or a day after the live stream.

However, if the community knowledge is to be believed, they have already received loads of information from Bungie about the major changes that will be in effect in Season 15. As per the Witch Queen's release, the forthcoming season can last for about three-four months.

In 2020, the final season had been extended for a three months due to the delay of the planned Year 4 expansion, Beyond Light. Although there hasn't been any news of the release date of The Witch Queen, the community of Destiny 2 is convinced that the next expansion will happen in 2022.

Here are a few of the confirmed changes set to happen in Destiny 2 Season 15:

1. The first change is surrounding cross-play. The Destiny 2 Season 15 is expected to allow everyone to play and team up with their friends even from a different platform. Moreover, they would be able to do PvE playlists together. Moreover, the guardians will be in a position to take measures against harassers with the newly introduced blocking system and make a unique identity called "Bungie Names". This will also help in identification.

2. In a big change, the Destiny 2 users will finally be getting legendary stasis weapons coupled with loot pools and tally of energy rifles. Moreover, the game has only seen two weapon variants of the stassis type- the Salvation Grip and Cryosthesia 77K. Since Cryosthesia 77K just deals with the damageans and so Bungie is certain of releasing new weapons of subclass element.

3. The whole of Vanguard Strike reward system of Zavala will be changing, pretty similar to the Crucilble vendor Shaxx and the Gambir vendor Drifter. Thus, all vanguard tokens should be turned in as they will disappear from the Guardian's inventory, come season 15. In place of win-streaks, Guardians will also be earning infamy with activity-streaks, which is based on how many activities have been played by a single Guardian in a session.

4. The Fesitval of the Lost is the festival this year. Several armor designs and ornaments had been voted upon so that they could be finalised for this festival with the Dinosaur-designed armor winning.

5. Although Bungie clarified that they cannot entirely remove the third-person animation, they will remove the point-of-view of Guardians using an emote or a sword. This will make Gunplay smoother inside the closed doors.

6. In yet another big change, Guardians will be able to purchase Transmog bounties from Ada-1 in exchange of 10,000 Glimmer. Earlier, the transmog system was met with mixed reactions.