RJ Mahvash, who has been linked to Indian leg-spinner Yuzvendra Chahal, broke her silence after her picture with the cricketer went viral. It is well known that the internet is flooded with divorce rumours of Chahal and his wife, famous Choreographer, Dhanashree Verma. Amid reports of the couple heading towards divorce, Chahal’s picture from Christmas dinner went viral on social media, where he was spotted with RJ Mahvash. Fans were quick to assume that Chahal is dating her. However, Mahvash addressed the speculations and expressed her frustration over the link-up rumours.
She criticised the mindset and said that just because she was seen with an opposite gender, it doesn’t mean she is dating. RJ Mahvash wrote, “Some articles and speculations have been circulating around the internet. It’s literally funny to see how baseless are these rumours. If you get SEEN with an opposite gender, so you are dating that person? I am sorry what year is this? And how many people are you all dating then? I have been patient since 2-3 days now but I won’t let any PR teams drag my name into this to cover up other people’s image.” She continued, “Let people live in peace with their friends and family in tough times.”
Who is RJ Mahvash?
RJ Mahvash is a radio jockey in Delhi, popularly known for content creation on Instagram. As per several reports, Mahvash is a graduate of AJK Mass Communication Research Centre. While she started her career as an RJ, she later became a popular female prankster in the country. Mahvash has more than a million followers on Instagram, and her videos are often viewed by many on Instagram. As per Times of India, Mahvash was also approached for Bigg Boss 14, as well as a series on Netflix.
Not only this, but she is also likely to be a part of Yash Patnaik’s next Amazon mini series. Mahvash’s statement a day after Yuzvendra shared an emotional message and refrained from calling himself a husband. He wrote, “As a Son, a Brother and a Friend, I humbly request everyone not to indulge in these speculations, as they have caused immense pain to me and my family. My family values have taught me to always wish well for all, strive to achieve success through dedication and hard work, instead of taking shortcuts, and I remain committed to these values.”