The Indian gaming community was buzzing after rumours about Amazon releasing Prime Gaming in India. Prime Gaming (previously known as Twitch Prime) is a subscription service that is typically part of the Amazon Prime package in most countries. In India, Amazon Prime is available along with subscriptions like Prime Video, but Prime Gaming isn’t included in the subscription plan.
But around the world, Prime Gaming is considered an incredible feature for Twitch viewers and gamers as it includes free perks like new games every month. Indian journalist Rishi Alwani shared screenshots of a Prime Gaming page where India is listed as one of the markets. Since then, the page has been hidden and which got many Indian gamers.
In addition to free games and in-game items, Prime Gaming would also hope to popularise Twitch in India even further. Amazon Prime Gaming for PC coming to India means nothing but good news in a nutshell. The full statement on the page reads:"Prime Gaming is now in India. With Prime Gaming [included with your Prime membership] unlock instant access to tons of content for your favourite games and a rotating collecting of PC games... each and every month."
Adding Prime Gaming to Amazon’s Indian ventures could be a move planned to rival Netflix which also has its Gaming platform available through another app. Currently, Amazon Prime costs INR 1499 and Prime Gaming might be included as part of the package. But that might not be the case as Prime services are much cheaper in India compared to other countries and hence Prime Gaming could be offered as a separate service.