In a shocking turn of events, four Indian cricketers, who also play for Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise Gujarat Titans (GT), have been summoned by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of India after having reportedly lost an undisclosed sum of money that they had invested in a chit fund. According to te reports making waves on social media, the four cricketers, including Shubman Gill, Mohit Sharma, Rahul Tewatia and Sai Sudharsan will be called upon for further investigation into the matter.
According to reports from Ahmedabad Mirror, the international cricketers will be called to further disclose details in relation to a multi-crore chit fund scam. The investigation is to follow the questioning of the kingpin of the Ponzi scheme Bhupendrasinh Zala. Notably, Zala admitted to not haing repaid the money put in by these cricketers in his BZ scheme.
Shubman Gill and three more GT players to be summoned by CID: Reports
According to a CID official, as per reports quoting Ahmedabad Mirror, Shubman Gill, who is the captain of the franchise, invested INR 1.95 Crore. On the other hand, Mohit Sharma, Rahul Tewatia and Sai Sudharsan made comparatively less investments. Earlier, the CID Gujarat Crime Branch has called Zala’s CA, Rushik Mehta.
"If Mehta is found to be involved, appropriate action will be taken. We have also deployed a team of accountants to examine bank transactions and an unofficial account book maintained by Zala. The unofficial book has been seized, and raids are continuing at various locations since Monday," a senior CID official stated, as quoted by the same publication.
"Zala also maintained an unofficial account book, which has been seized by the CID crime unit. The transactions recorded in that book amount to around Rs. 52 crore. Based on current investigations, we estimate the total amount to be around Rs. 450 crore, and it may increase as raids continue," the same CID official stated, confirming that the amount is said to be INR 450 Crore.