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On Saturday, May 11, Derrick Lewis scored a thunderous knockout win over Rodrigo Nascimento in the main event of the UFC Fight Night in Saint Louis, but it was the show he put on afterward for the audience that gathered all the headlines. The 39-year-old proceeded to moon the Saint Louis crowd at the Enterprise Center, with a big smile on his face to close out the UFC Fight Night.

The main event of the UFC Fight Night in Saint Louis had a back-and-forth start which saw Derrick Lewis and Rodrigo Nascimento exchanging blows. In the third round, Lewis landed a massive right hand on Nascimento, sending him to the ground before unloading punches on a hapless opponent until the referee called a stop to the fight.

After the fight came to a close with just 49 seconds on the clock in the third round, Derrick Lewis took off his shorts to the surprise of many in Saint Louis. He used the shorts to fan Rodrigo Nascimento back to consciousness, who was getting medical attention inside the octagon.

Watch Derrick Lewis takes off his shorts after KO win:

Derrick Lewis followed it up, tossing his athletic cup towards the media table before he proceeded to drop his underwear to moon the crowd at the Enterprise Center in Saint Louis.

Watch Derrick Lewis mooned Saint Louis crowd:

Following the big win, Derrick Lewis said, “I appreciate St. Louis for letting me show my naked ass tonight.” He also called Rodrigo Nascimento a taxi cab driver and remarked, “I couldn’t let no taxi cab driver from Brazil beat me. This is my first time ever hearing of that guy. Ain’t no way I could let someone like that beat me.”