After India lost the fourth Test against Australia in Melbourne last month, to find themselves 1-2 behind in the five-match Border-Gavaskar Trophy (BGT) series, an exclusive report from a well-renowned tabloid about unrest in the Indian dressing room emerged. With Rohit Sharma struggling with the bat and in the leadership role of the Indian cricket team, the report mentioned that a certain player in the side proposed his name for interim captaincy, and he branded himself as “Mr Fix-It.”
A few days after the exclusive report from the Indian Express, Robin Uthappa, the member of the T20 World Cup winning team of India from the year 2007, took to his official Instagram account, to blast Mr Fix-It in the current national setup. He called him “absolute disappointment” of a human being, while remarking that this player should be ashamed of himself in regards to his conduct in the Indian dressing room.
Whoever Mr Fix-It is, I think, is an absolute disappointment of a human being: Robin Uthappa
Robin Uthappa was quoted as saying about Mr Fix-It in the Indian dressing room, as per NDTV Sports, “Whoever Mr Fix-It is, I think, is an absolute disappointment of a human being at this point in time. I think whoever that is, he should be really ashamed of himself at a time when you need to keep the team together to progress a personal agenda is completely, in my opinion, pathetic.”
The Karnataka-born cricketer also discussed how a player shouldn’t think of himself ahead of the team, which is the basic premise of playing in a team sport. He said, “You don't put yourself ahead of your team irrespective of how bad things are. At that point in time, you actually double down on your team. You double down and say I'll do whatever is required at that point in time.”
Ultimately, Robin Uthappa was of the opinion that the name of Mr Fix-It should be revealed to everyone, so that there is clarity about how the rift in the Indian dressing room emerged in the first place. “Whoever this person is, whether it's a senior, not a senior, it does not matter, has to be named and shamed. This has to stop. This level of childishness and personal agenda being driven forward at a time when the team needs more unity has to stop,” he added.