Ahead of IPL 2021, MS Dhoni led Chennai Super Kings have added two new players as their net bowlers. The duo happen to be Afghanistan's Noor Ahmad and Fazalhaq Farooqi. While 16-year old Noor Ahmad is a left-arm leg-spinner already having played in the Big Bash League (BBL), Farooq, is a left-arm fast-bowler. The 20-year-old speedster recently made his debut for Afghanistan against Zimbabwe.
CSK had a disappointing season in IPL 2020
Although the fans were looking forward to seeing MS Dhoni back to some cricketing action after he had announced his retirement from international cricket on August 15 last year, it was a disappointing season for both the team as well as Dhoni the batsman. While Chennai failed to make it to the Playoffs for the first time, finishing with 12 points from 14 matches, Dhoni managed just 200 runs in 14 matches not being able to score a single half-century.
Lack of practice big reason for poor campaign
One of the main reasons behind their disastrous run was the lack of practice since 13 members of the Chennai squad had tested positive for COVID-19 as soon as they landed in UAE.
To make sure, they get good quality practice, the Afghanistan duo have been roped in this year. South Africa fast-bowler Hardus Viljoen was also seen bowling to the CSK stars in the nets, earlier this month. Thala Dhoni would look to make a strong comeback- a characteristic trait of the team over the years.