In a shocking and unfortunate series of events, a 35 years old cricket player named Imran Patel lost his life after suffering from an cardiac arrest on field during a cricket match. As reported by NDTV Sports, the match took place at Garware Stadium in Pune on Thursday. During the match, Imran came to bat as an opener and started complaining of pain in chest and right aarm after spending some time on the crease.

After feeling pain in his chest and arm, Imran Patel informed on-field umpires regarding the same and given permission to leave the field. However, he collapsed on his way to the pavilion. The whole incident was caught on camera as the match was being live-streamed. As soon as Imran collapsed, the fielders rushed towards him, after which he immediately taken to the hospital where the doctors declared him dead. 

He was in good physical condition: Imran Patel’s fellow cricketer after his shocking death

The tragic incident of Imran Patel’s death left everyone stunned. Apart from that, one of his fellow cricketer Naseer Khan\, who was also a part of that cricket match revealed that Imran was in good physical condition and never had any medical issues. “He didn't have history of any medical condition. He was in good physical condition. In fact, he was an allrounder who loved the game. We're all still in shock,” Naseer Khan was quoted as saying by NDTV Sports. 

As per the further reports, Imran Patel was married and also had three daughters, with the youngest daughter being four months old. He was a reputed person in his area who had a real-estate business and also owned a cricket team. Apart from that, Imran Patel was also running a juice shop.