India is reportedly set to host a star-studded global javelin competition in September 2025, which will feature notable names including two-time Olympic medallist Neeraj Chopra. The news was confirmed by the Athletics Federation of India (AFI) on Tuesday. According to the governing body, the event is in addition to a few competitions that India has expressed its interest to host. It also includes the 2029 World Championships. As per Outgoing AFI President Adille Sumariwalla, India expressed its interest to host the 2029 World Championship.
Not only this, but India is also interested in hosting the 2027 World Relays and the 2028 World Junior Championships. Sumariwalla, whose 12-year tenure as AFI chief ended on Tuesday, said on the first day of the AFI Annual General Meeting, “There will be a top javelin competition in India, in which the top-10 javelin throwers in the world will compete. This will be an invitational tournament to be held later this year.”
Neeraj Chopra will be there: Outgoing AFI Chief Adille Sumariwalla
Sumariwalla revealed that several global stars, including Neeraj Chopra will be participating in the event. He said, “Neeraj Chopra will be there. He is part of the team that is organising the event, along with JSW, a foreign firm and the AFI are together creating this competition. This is being done as there is so much interest in javelin with August 7, when Chopra won the Tokyo Olympics gold, being observed as National Javelin Day.”
He added, “Bids are open at the moment for 2028 World Junior Championships, 2029 World Championships, World Relays (2027) and India is going to bid for all of them. We have put in our expression of interest and so the process has started. We might also do a World Half Marathon.”