Former Indian captain MS Dhoni took the social media into storm with his Santa Claus look on the occasion of Christmas day on December 25. The legendary wicketkeeper was dressed as Santa and was seen celebrating christmas with wife Sakshi and daughter and daughter Ziva along with other family members and friends. 

MS Dhoni’s wife Sakshi shared a post on her social media where MS Dhoni can be seen dressed as Santa Claus with big a big white beard and a cap. The picture went viral as soon as it shared on social media. Dhoni also posed with bollywood actress Kriti Sanon as she also shared her glimpse from the christmas celebration. 

S in MSD stands for Santa: Fans react to MS Dhoni’s viral Santa Claus pictures

After MS Dhoni’s pictures went viral, his fans cannot stop adoring him on social media. The social media went ablaze reacting to Dhoni’s viral Santa Claus images.