Former India cricketer and one of the greats of the game, Mahendra Singh Dhoni recently spoke at length, sharing an update on his fitness. While he addressed several different aspects of his life, the 43-year-old cricketer, who only plays in Indian Premier League (IPL), shared a major upate on his fitness. It is to be noted that MS Dhoni has been struggling from last few seasons and walks lower down the order to bat in IPL.
Recently, the 43-year-old was retained by his IPL franchise and five-time champions Chennai Super Kings (CSK) ahead of the mega auction. With the IPL General Council re-introducing the uncapped rule, Dhoni was retained as an uncapped player with a price of INR 4 Crore. The Yellow Army retained Dhoni, along with skipper Ruturaj Gaikwad, Shivam Dube, Ravindra Jadeja and Matheesha Pathirana.
I am not as fit as I used to be: MS Dhoni
Speaking ahead of his return to the cricket field in IPL 2025, Dhoni dropped a big update on his fitness. He added that he is not as fit as he used to be, but is just giving his best in whatever capacity he could give it back to the sport. "I am not as fit as I used to be, a lot of effort now needs to be there on what you are eating and I am doing very specific things to be fit for cricket. We are not fast bowlers so our requirements are not that intense," Dhoni said on the latest episode of 'Tred Talks' of Eurogrip Tyres.
The 43-year-old added that what keeps him going is that he is connected with some or the other sport during the IPL off-season. "What really helps me is playing a lot of sports in between eating and going to the gym. So whenever I get time I like to play a lot of different sports, maybe tennis, badminton, or football, that keep me engaged. That's the best way of being in touch with fitness," he added.
I don't miss international cricket because….: MS Dhoni reflects his retirement
Speaking on Eurogrip Tred Talks, Dhoni also stated that he does not miss international cricket as he had already done his bit for India. "I thought I would get more time, but sadly, I haven't got much time. I don't miss international cricket because I always believe you know you think about everything then you take a decision,” Dhoni said.
"Once you have taken a decision no point really thinking about that. So I am very happy with God's grace whatever I was able to do for my country. Other than that it has been fun. I have been able to spend a lot of time with friends, I can do a lot more motorcycle rides, not the long ones, that's something very close to my heart," he added.