Fans reacted after Chennai Super Kings shared a cryptic message for the attendees of the Rajasthan Royals’ game in the IPL 2024. The five-time winners hosted Rajasthan Royals for the last league game of the season at home on May 12, Sunday. The match saw RR skipper Sanju Samson winning the toss and invited the rivals to bowl first. Before the game, the Chennai-based franchise shared a message for the fans and asked them to stay back at the stadium after the game.
CSK’s announcement left fans speculating that it could be MS Dhoni’s final IPL match at home. Others were of the opinion that the Yellow Army would take a lap of honour as it was their last match at home for IPL 2024. CSK needed to win two of their remaining games to make it to the playoffs of the ongoing tournament. If the team fails to qualify, it’d have been their last game in Chennai. Speculations arose as Dhoni has time and again expressed his desire to play his last T20 game in Chennai. Check the top betting trends on the best betting sites in India and apps.
The message by the franchise read, “Requesting the Superfans to stay back after the game. Something special coming your way.”
Here’s how fans reacted to it:
In their last and final league game of the IPL 2024, CSK will take on RCB on May 18 in Bengaluru.