During season two of “The Traitors” TV series, Sandra Diaz-Twine ripped into Larsa Pippen, the girlfriend of the former college basketball player Marcus Jordan, the son of the NBA legend Michael Jordan. The 49-year-old spoke about how Larsa Pippen wasn’t born in the same year as her because she looked at least 10-12 years older than her.
As part of the mission on the fourth episode of “The Traitors US,” the contestants were given their first question wherein they had to single out the players that were born in the same year. The correct answer was Dan Gheesling and Kevin Kreider in 1983, along with Larsa Pippen and Sandra Diaz-Twine in 1974, which led to them not being confirmed to be poisoned.
It led to Sandra Diaz-Twine saying on camera, “I didn’t think Larsa (Pippen) and I were born in the same age coz she looks at least 10 to 12 years older than me”
Watch Sandra's take on Larsa's age here:
Internet reacts to Sandra's take on Larsa's age
Here are some of the major reactions to the viral comments of Sandra Diaz-Twine about Larsa Pippen on the social media platform X:
Moreover, the fourth episode of “The Traitors” saw Larsa Pippen and Sandra Diaz-Twine both act as faithful. But, at the very end, Pippen was banished from the game with the majority of the votes, with Diaz-Twine voting against her as well.
On her way out of the show, the star of “The Real Housewives of Miami,” Larsa Pippen asked the rest of the contestants to “switch directions” because they were “totally off and totally lost” in her mind since she is factually faithful.