Indian spinner Yuzvendra Chahal shared a cryptic Instagram story amid divorce rumours with Dhanashree Verma. Notably, reports have been doing rounds on social media that there is trouble in paradise for Chahal and Dhanashree. Not only this, but the couple is also headed towards divorce, which will reportedly be finalised soon. Notably, speculations started to circulate when some fans noticed that Dhanashree and Yuzvendra unfollowed each other on social media and allegedly also removed their pictures.
While there is no confirmation about the rumours, Chahal has been sharing stories on his social media. The cricketer recently took to his Instagram to share a quote by Greek philosopher Socrates. The quote read, “Silence is a profound melody, for those who can hear it above all the noise.” Notably, the cricketer had also shared a post a few days ago, while Dhanashree has chosen to stay silent on this matter.
Chahal’s recent Instagram story read, “Hard work spotlights the character of people. You know your journey. You know your pain. You know what all you have done to reach here. The world knows. You stand tall. You have worked with all your sweat to make your father and your mother proud. Keep standing tall like a proud son always.”
Dhanashree and Yuzvendra have been living separately for months: Reports
According to a report from India Today, people close to the couple have revealed that they have been living separately for some months. They further stated that their separation seems inevitable; however, the exact reasons behind the same remain undisclosed. It is to be noted that it is not for the first time that the couple’s relationship has been a topic of discussion among fans. Earlier in 2023, Dhanashree dropped “Chahal” from her Instagram handle, which sparked similar kinds of rumours.
Notably, Chahal and Dhanashree tied the knot in December 2020 in a private ceremony in Gurgaon. The couple’s love story began during the pandemic when Chahal reached out to Dhanashree, who is a celebrated choreographer, to learn dance from her. They quickly went on to become fans’ favourites as they kept sharing their moments on social media as well as reality shows.