Tamil Nadu opener N Jagadeesan smashed six consecutive boundaries in an over in the Vijay Hazare Trophy clash against Rajasthan. On Thursday, both sides were up against each other for the pre-quarterfinal clash of the elite domestic tournament. The game saw the Tamil Nadu opener coming with a remarkable knock, which was highlighted with his six consecutive boundaries in an over. Earlier the game saw Tamil Nadu skipper Sai Kishore winning the toss and inviting Mahipal Lomror’s Rajasthan to put the score on the board first.
Rajasthan got off to a striking start with the bat, and while Sachin Yadav departed for four runs, Abhijeet Tomar stood firm and came up with a knock of 111 runs off 125 balls. He hit 12 boundaries and four maximums to reach the three-figure mark. Skipper Mahipal Lomror also came up with a half-century and posted 60 runs off 49 deliveries with a combination of three boundaries and four maximums. On the back of such solid knocks, Rajasthan were able to post 267 runs in 47.3 overs.
N Jagadeesan smashes six consecutive boundaries in one over
In their chase of 268 runs, Tamil Nadu started off poorly, with Tushar Raheja scoring only 11 runs from 20 deliveries. However, wicketkeeper-batter Jagadeesan held his nerves and hit 65 runs in 52 balls at a strike rate of 125.00. Jagadeesan launched a stunning assault against Rajasthan’s pacer Aman Singh Shekhawat and scored 29 runs including a four off a wide in an over. After the over started with a boundary off a wide, Jagadeesan smashed Shekhawat for six successive fours.
Owing to his fiery form, he was able to reach his half-century in 33 balls with the help of nine fours. While Jagadeesan came up with fireworks with the bat, his knock couldn’t prove enough to help the side cross the victory line. The lower-middle order failed to contribute anything to the overall total and Rajasthan ended up winning the match by 19 runs.