Rajasthan Sports Minister and Olympic medallist Col (Retd) Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore was clean bowled by a 12-year-old bowler, Sushila Meena. Meena, who went viral for her resemblance with former India seamer Zaheer Khan’s bowling style, faced the former Indian shooter in the nets. Meena, who was living a simple life just a couple of weeks ago, went viral when India legend Sachin Tendulkar heaped praise on her by sharing a video of her bowling.
Sushila’s bowling action resonated with that of Khan, and since Tendulkar shared her video, the youngster made it to the headlines. In a recent video doing rounds, Meena was seen dismissing Rajyavardhan Rathore. She bowled a brilliant delivery which left Rathore stunned and showcased her exceptional talent and composure. Rathore took to X to share the video of his batting encounter with the left-arm bowler. He accompanied it with a caption, “We all won after getting bowled by the young daughter.”
Who is Sushila Meena?
Notably, Sushila is a 12-year-old girl who hails from a small village of Rajasthan’s Pratapgarh. Sushila has been a fan of cricket and a cricket player for the last three years. While she has always faced lack of training and facilities, Sushila has remained committed to playing. Her coach Ishwarlal Meena has helped her master the art of bowling. She told ANI, "I have been playing for three years. My coach Ishwarlal Meena taught me how to bowl.”
When Sachin Tendulkar shared her video on X, Sushila’s father Ratna Meena thanked the Indian legend for his gesture. He said, "I want to thank Sachin Tendulkar. It was because of him that my daughter went viral." He gives credit to Sushila’s coach and said, "Her coach has taught her everything. He used to take out time and teach her bowling."