India batter Virat Kohli and his wife, Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma visited spiritual guru Premanand ji Maharaj in Vrindavan. Kohli, who was a part of India’s Border Gavaskar Trophy 2024-25 squad, had a woeful outing in the land Down Under. The talismanic batter was dismissed on the outside off in eight out of his nine innings. India’s underperformance in the five-match series led to India’s defeat for the first time in ten years, which brought senior batters including Kohli and Rohit Sharma as well as head coach Gautam Gambhir under heavy scrutiny.
After returning from Australia, Kohli, along with his wife Anushka and kids Vamika and Akaaay, visited Vrindavan to seek blessings from Shri Premanand Ji Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj. In the video, Premanand Ji Maharaj can be heard praising Anushka for keeping the cricketer on the path of humility and faith despite being one of the most successful persons of his generation. The video also showcased the two kids, Vamika and Akaay in their lap.
Virat Kohli’s campaign in Border Gavaskar Trophy 2024-25
During the 2024-25 Border Gavaskar Trophy, Kohli visited Australia for the fifth time. While he had carried many expectations on his shoulders, Kohli ended the tour with just 190 runs in nine innings, at an average of just 23.75. The 36-year-old started the series on a high note, where he became the batter with the most Test hundreds on Australian soil as he recorded his seventh ton during the Perth Test. However, the batter couldn’t keep up his form and his performance saw a dip in the latter part of the series.
Across seven innings, Kohli could manage to score only 85 runs in the final four Tests, which India lost 1-3. The former India cricketer made it to the headlines for his on-field antics, which included a shoulder bump with Australian debutant Sam Konstas. Not only this, but Kohli also tried to provoke the Australian crowd with a sandpaper gesture. The ICC sanctioned Kohli for his altercation with Sam Konstas.