Picture Credit: Twitter

Picture Credit: Twitter

During the ninth innings of the New York versus Boston game in Major League Baseball (MLB) on Saturday night, the Yankees radio broadcaster John Sterling was struck by a foul ball on his face inside the commentary booth. The 84-year-old broadcaster took a short pause after this incident to continue performing his duties as the Yankees ended up beating the Red Sox 3-1 margin at the Yankee Stadium.

It was Justin Turner of Boston facing up against Clay Homes of New York, when he hit a foul ball back behind the plate towards the commentary booth. John Sterling, who was describing the play on radio, said, “Now the 3-2 (pitch), swung on, a pop foul back here.” Seconds later, the ball ricocheted off his desk in the commentary booth to strike him above his left eye.

Watch John Sterling get hit by a foul ball on the live broadcast:

His reaction in the immediate aftermath, which was recorded live and released later by WFAN, sounded, “Ow, ow, ow, it really hit me! I didn't know it was coming back that far,” while removing his glasses and clutching his face. Fortunately, John Sterling wasn’t majorly hurt and kept his composure to make his signature call as the game finished, “Ballgame over. Yankees win. Theeee Yankees win.”

Following the incident, the Yankees radio commentator was contacted by Justin Turner of the Red Sox. He also gave an autograph on the ball that had struck John Sterling, while adding a message for him jokingly, which read, “To John, no matter where you sit at a ballgame, you’re never safe!”

The 84-year-old has been calling the MLB games of the New York Yankees since 1989. He had made his return to the commentary booth recently after missing 23 games, mainly due to bronchitis.