1983 World Cup winning seamer Balwinder Singh Sandhu revealed that his former teammate and Indian captain Kapil Dev offered financial help to Vinod Kambli but on one condition. Recently, Kambli made a public appearance at a special memorial event of legendary coach Ramakant Achrekar, where his physical condition sparked a wave of concern among fans and former cricketers alike. During the event, a physically weak Kambli was seen struggling, especially in a video, where he refused to let go of his childhood friend Sachin Tendulkar’s hands.
The heart-wrenching video not only left fans emotional but also deepened their worries. Earlier in the month of August, a video of Kambli struggling to walk raised concerns among fans and the recent video only added to their worries. Amongst the health concerns, former India bowler Balwinder Singh Sandhu revealed that 1983 World Cup winning team offered financial assistance to Kambli but on one condition.
If he wants to go rehab….Balwinder Singh Sandhu reveals Kapil Dev offering help to Vinod Kambli
The former India bowler revealed that the members of the 1983 World Cup winning team offered to help the left-hander. However, there is a condition that Kambli should be willing to help himself first. Sandhu told TOI, “Kapil (Dev, captain of the 1983 team) has told me clearly that if he wants to go to rehab, then we are willing to help him financially.”
He added, "However, he has to check into rehab himself first. Only if he does that, we are ready to foot the bill, irrespective of how long the treatment lasts.” Sandhu further stated, “It is well known his troubles start and end with alcohol. Kapil has had a bad experience with him. He had helped him get a job as a cricket expert on a New Delhi news channel, but Kambli only showed up a couple of times and then just stopped. I've asked Nilesh (Kulkarni), Abey (Kuruvilla) and Paras (Mhambrey), all who have played with him, about what can be done to help him. They have all given up on him. I've known him and Sachin from the time they were just 12. Sadly, we are losing a fine cricketer."