Palak Gulia and Esha Singh have completed the historic one-two, winning the gold and silver respectively, in the women’s 10m air pistol individual event for India at the Asian Games 2023, on September 29, Friday. These two Indian shooters also paired up with Divya Thadigol to secure the silver medal in the women’s 10m air pistol team event in Hangzhou.
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The individual score of 242.1 points helped Palak Gulia to get on the top step of the podium, while creating a new Asian Games record, beating the previous record set by China in Jakarta-Palembang in 2018. Esha Singh scored 239.7 points, to win the silver in the 10m air pistol, which is also her fourth medal in the Asian Games 2023. The bronze medal went to Talat Kishmala of Pakistan, who got a rare medal for her country in shooting.
India secure silver medal in women’s 10m air pistol team event
The Indian women’s trio of Palak Gulia, Esha Singh, and Divya Thadigol brought the silver medal in the 10m air pistol team event at the Asian Games 2023 for India. They put together a score of 1731 points, piping China by five points to create a new Asiad record, while Chinese Taipei finished in third place with 1723 points.
The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi congratulated Palak Gulia, Esha Singh, and Divya Thadigol on their stellar performance as a team. He also wished them well for their future endeavours, while pointing out that their success will motivate stars of the future.