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Picture Credi: Twitter

Former American basketball player Kendrick Perkins has yet again challenged the Golden State Warriors to make it to the finals of the 2024 season. While fans and followers have given the benefit of doubt to the Warriors even after their defeat in the Western Conference semifinals. However, Perkins, who has always been known for his blunt analysis doesn’t seem to be of the opinion that Perkins can continue to be the dominating team next season. Perkins has said that the Warriors have only one percent chance to be in the finals the next season. 

The San Francisco based team didn’t have a stable season due to the injury of star players Steph Curry and Draymond Green. The team brought Chris Paul, who is one of the best competitors and point guards in the history of NBA. However, CP3 has suffered injuries in some of the most crucial games. Perkins, who was on NBA Today talked about his take on the possibilities of Warriors making it to championship. 

Here's the video: 

The 2008 champion said, "Read my lips, “I give a 1% chance and it's not because of the addition of Chris Paul, it's because of Steph Curry... as bad as I want to give them a zero, just because of Steph and the way that he's able to dominate, I give them a one percent chance.”

Meanwhile, it is not for the first time Perkins has doubted the Golden States. Back in the 2021-2022 season, he was one of the analysts who didn’t give the team any chance of winning the championship, and even declared this on national TV. However, the Warriors won the last four games, and eventually lifted their fourth championship in eight years.