Kolkat a Knight Riders owner Shah Rukh Khan opened up about his reaction after getting the news of Rishabh Pant’s accident. One of India's brightest cricketing stars, Rishab Pant was involved in a horrific accident in December 2022 after which he needed 14 months before returning to action. Pant made his came back in the IPL and has done a great job leading the Delhi Capitals.
Talking about Pant's accident, Shah Rukh exclaimed he was horrified seeing videos of the incident and got the worst feeling. He also expressed how he treats Rishabh Pant as one of his sons and hence he was extremely scared about what could happen.
To me, these age boys are like my own sons: Shah Rukh Khan
Speaking with Star Sports, King Khan said, “I was horrified. I saw that video of his car because we didn’t know the result of that accident. You get the worst feeling. To me, these age boys are like my own sons. My team has a few, Rishabh himself, and so many youngsters. A wound like this is a double jeopardy for a sportsperson, even worse than for us.”
“Rishabh is a winner, and I wish him all the best. I hope his knee heals completely. I asked him to remain seated because his knee might be hurting. I was hugging him and telling him, ‘Are you well?’. I had not seen him post this accident at all. I am glad Rishabh is back and playing well, and I hope he keeps on playing well.”