On Tuesday, February 20, former India cricketer and batting stalwart, Virat Kohli and his wife Anushka Sharma announced the birth of their second child, Akaay. The couple announced this news taking to social media as they revealed the name of the baby boy.
However, with this announcement, wishes started to pour in from all around. But among all was a special greeting from the former Indian cricketer, Sachin Tendulkar. “Congratulations to Virat and Anushka on the arrival of Akaay, a precious edition to your beautiful family! Just like his name lights up the room, may he fill your world with endless joy and laughter. Here’s to the adventures and memories you’ll cherish forever. Welcome to the world, little champ!” Sachin Tendulkar captioned the post on X.
Apart from Tendulkar, several others extended their wishes to Virat Kohli and family on this news. Check the top betting trends on the best betting apps in India and sites.
“With abundant happiness and our hearts all of love, we are pleased to inform everyone that on 15th February, we welcomed our baby boy Akaay and Vamika’s little brother into this world! We seek your blessings and good wishes in this beautiful time in our lives. We request you to kindly respect our privacy at this time. Love & Gratitude. Virat & Anushka,” read the post the couple had shared.
WATCH: Fans greet Tendulkar with “Sachin…Sachin” chants as he boards a plane
The former Indian cricketer and reckoned as the ‘God of Cricket’ has been travelling around with video s of him from Kashmir and Agra went viral. However, in another video, which has been doing rounds on social media, the 50-year-old was welcomed with “Sachin… Sachin” chants as he boarded a flight.
To this the Indian great got up from his seat and acknowledged this gesture of the fans. Watch the video here:
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