Renowned game developers Ubisoft revealed the release date of Assassin’s Creed Mirage for Apple users. The developers revealed that the game will be released on iOS and iPadOS in early June. As per the developers, Creed Mirae would be compatible with iPhone 15 Pro series devices as well as a few selected iPad models, which include the iPad Air and Pro series, which are powered by the M1 chip.
It follows the game’s original launch on consoles and PCs in October, which marks a significant development in the world of mobile gaming. As per the developers, players would be able to initially download and play the game for free for up to 90 minutes. Following the period, the game would be available for $49.99 and would promise an extensive experience for iOS and iPad OS platforms.
The forthcoming version of the game comes with iPhone and iPad optimisation that ensures an engaging experience for the users. Not only this, but it would also allow players to use compatible external controllers like Backbone One for better gameplay. Players will be available for downloads on the App Store from June 6, 2024.