Former India skipper and batting stalwart Virat Kohli is all set to enter the racing arena. The Indian batter became the latest and first cricketer from India to join the UIM E1 World Championship, the world’s first all-electric raceboat series. Notably, the Indian cricketer is joined by sports tech entrepreneur Adi K Mishra.
Also Read: UIM E1 World Championship: Team Owners, Races, Host Cities, and More
Often regarded as the most influential athletes from India and the ICC Cricketer of the Year in both 2017 and 2018, Kohli is now set to feature in one of the new sporting leagues in the world - UIM E1 World Championship. The 34-year-old is now the co-owner of the Blue Rising Team, who has been a common name to address marine conservation.
The Indian cricketer, who is all set to feature in ODI World Cup in India, took to Twitter to announce this move as he wrote, “I’m coming to win. I am excited to be joining the @E1series with my own team ahead of Season One in 2024!”
“I want to inspire people to have a competitive spirit and to raise awareness about sustainability issues, something I am becoming more and more passionate about as we build a family. I can’t wait to cheer for our male and female pilots racing for our team,” Kohli further added.
It is to be noted that Kohli will be joined by the likes of Tom Brady, Rafa Nadal, Sergio Perez, Steve Aoki and Didier Drogba.