A fight broke out between the Delhi Police and wrestlers protesting at Jantar Mantar on Wednesday night, where the wrestlers claimed that the “drunk” cops beat them up. However, there was no immediate comment from the Delhi Police regarding the incident. Videos from PTI have been doing rounds on social media where some of the protesters can be seen accusing police personnel for beating two wrestlers under the influence of alcohol. In the video, the accused cop can be seen sitting, and the protesters allege that his colleagues were mute spectators.
As former wrestler Rajiv was quoted saying to a news channel, "The mattresses got wet due to rain so we were bringing folding beds for sleeping, but the police did not allow that. Drunk policeman Dharmendra abused Vinesh Phogat and got involved in a scuffle with us." He further said, “They started hitting us. Bajrang Punia's brother-in-law Dushyant and Rahul suffered head injuries. The police did not even let doctors reach the site. Even the women constables were misbehaving with us."
The protesters claimed that the cops abused Vinesh Phogat. She said, “I was abused and pushed around by policemen. Where are the women police personnel?"
Watch the video here:
Bajrang Punia, who had called for farmers and their leaders to assemble at the protesting side said, "Delhi Police ki gundagardi ab nahi chalegi (Delhi Police's high-handedness will not work anymore). We will call farmers to assemble here in numbers. We will not tolerate it anymore. Tractors or trolleys. whatever you get, just come here."
Notably, the wrestlers have been sitting at Jantar Mantar in the national capital since April 23, demanding the arrest of the Wrestling Federation of India Chief, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh for allegedly harassing seven female wrestlers, including a minor. The Delhi Police filed two FIRs against the WFI boss on Friday last week on the basis of complaints filed by the wrestlers.