Rohit Sharma, the Indian cricketing great, who led Mumbai Indians to five IPL titles, was removed from captaincy in favour of Hardik Pandya before the start of the IPL 2024 season. Although the 36-year-old is yet to comment on the reasons for his departure from the MI captaincy role, his wife Ritika Sajdeh wasn’t too happy with the decision from team management, letting her feelings known on Instagram.
With that, she indicated that Rohit Sharma might also not be fully on board with the MI team management, in regard to leaving the captaincy. Also, her comments sparked rumours about a potential disagreement between Mumbai Indians and Rohit Sharma in the world of social media and elsewhere.
In this article, SportsTiger looks at three reasons why Rohit Sharma should move to a new team in the IPL next year.
Put captaincy saga at Mumbai Indians behind him
Rohit Sharma, known to be a thorough gentleman in the cricketing world, has won countless individual and team accolades during his illustrious career, while staying away from the controversies of the sport. But, the recent saga involving him, Hardik Pandya, and the MI team management, in regards to the captaincy transfer, might have taken a lot out of him, since he hasn’t shared his side of the story to the public.
If Rohit Sharma is indeed not feeling at home in the Mumbai Indians dressing room, then he has to take a decision regarding his future with the franchise in the IPL. With that, a move to a new team in the IPL, could help him in putting the captaincy saga behind him.