Star kabaddi player Deepak Niwas Hooda on Tuesday got engaged to Indian boxer Saweety Boora. The boxer shared the video of their engagement on Instagram. My whole heart for my whole life," Saweety wrote in the caption of the Instagram post.
Congratulatory posts poured in for the couple as several kabaddi players took to social media to congratulate the couple.
Kabaddi players Parvesh Bhainswal and Naveen Kumar attended the ceremony and shared their pictures from the engagement party.
Notably, Deepak Hooda represented Jaipur Pink Panthers in the previous edition of the Pro Kabaddi League (PKL). The franchise had a forgettable last season as they failed to qualify for the playoffs.
Hooda is likely to be the key player for the Jaipur franchise in this year’s edition. The Pro Kabaddi League organizers are yet to release the details of the next auction date as well as the schedule for the next season.
Star kabaddi player Deepak Niwas Hooda on Tuesday got engaged to Indian boxer Saweety Boora. The boxer shared the video of their engagement on Instagram. My whole heart for my whole life," Saweety wrote in the caption of the Instagram post.
Congratulatory posts poured in for the couple as several kabaddi players took to social media to congratulate the couple.
Kabaddi players Parvesh Bhainswal and Naveen Kumar attended the ceremony and shared their pictures from the engagement party.
Notably, Deepak Hooda represented Jaipur Pink Panthers in the previous edition of the Pro Kabaddi League (PKL). The franchise had a forgettable last season as they failed to qualify for the playoffs.
Hooda is likely to be the key player for the Jaipur franchise in this year’s edition. The Pro Kabaddi League organizers are yet to release the details of the next auction date as well as the schedule for the next season.