During a graduation ceremony of a private engineering college in Chennai, Ravichandran Ashwin, the former Indian cricketer, mentioned that Hindi is not the “national language,” but an “official language,” which sparked the language row once again on social media. Notably, despite the heated debate on the matter over the years and decades, the Constitution of India clearly states that Hindi is an “official language,” which is why Ravichandran Ashwin’s comment is absolutely correct.
The language row on the social media platform came to light now after Ravichandran Ashwin tried to have a friendly conversation with the private engineering college students in Chennai on their graduation day. He said to them, “English students in the house.. give me a yay,” to which there was no response. The moment the former Indian cricketer asked them about “Tamil,” there was a big roar amongst the students in the college.
Hindi is an official language and not the national language: Ravichandran Ashwin
Moments later, the 31-year-old said, “Okay.. Hindi?” When there was little to no words from the students even after Ravichandran Ashwin repeated the question, he proceeded to talk to them in Tamil, and remarked, “I thought I should say this: Hindi is an official language and not the national language,” which has led to massive backlash against him from a section of Indian people in the comments section of the post above, who seemingly consider Hindi as the “national language,” a wrong assessment of the situation.
Ravichandran Ashwin also answered the question surrounding the Indian captaincy during the event, which many wanted him to pursue, but he was never quite on board with it. He was quoted as saying in Hindustan Times via Crickit, “When someone says I can't do it, I wake up to accomplish it, but if they say I can, I lose interest.”
Moreover, after retiring from international cricket last month, Ravichandran Ashwin has been quite an active user of the social media platform X, talking about all things cricket and much more.