The Prime minister of India, Narendra Modi confirmed that India will be attempting to bid for the 2036 Olympics and the 2029 Youth Olympics. PM Modi was speaking at the International Olympic Council Session in Mumbai. This also was the session first held in India since New Delhi in 1983 and has been touted as the launch pad for the country's bid to host the Olympics first the first time.
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In his address, t he Prime minister of India stated that the country will make an 100% effort to make a successful bid for the Olympics. He also shared how hosting the Olympics has been the country's dream and will be possible by will of its citizens
"India will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to organise the Olympics in India in 2036," PM Modi said. " This is the age old dream and aspiration of 140 crore Indians. This dream has to be built with your cooperation and support."
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Modi added India is interested in the 2029 Summer Youth Olympic Games. "I am very confident that India will consistently get the support of the IOC," Modi claimed. "Friends, sports is not the medium of winning medals, but it is a medium to win people's hearts."